All On 4 Dental Implants Problems

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If you’re considering All On 4 dental implants, it’s essential to be aware of the potential problems that may arise. In this article, we will delve into the key issues surrounding All On 4 dental implants, shedding light on the compromises involved and providing alternative solutions.

All On 4 Dental Implants Problems
All On 4 Dental Implants Problems

Aggressive Bone Reduction and Compromises

One major concern with the traditional All On 4 protocol is the aggressive removal of bone. This procedure involves significant bone reduction, which can lead to long-term consequences. Unfortunately, patients are not always adequately informed about the extent of bone removal required.

Angled Implants and Abutments

Another issue arises from the use of angled implants and abutments. This technique can create complications, such as bone and tissue loss, due to the sharp and abrupt nature of the angled abutments. The interface between bone and these components is not ideal, resulting in potential problems.

Soft Tissue Challenges

Soft tissue problems are another significant consideration in All On 4 treatment. While same-day teeth may seem appealing, not all patients are suitable candidates for this approach. Rushing the process of tooth extraction, implant placement, abutment insertion, and tooth attachment on the same day can lead to complications. Patients with poor connective tissue are particularly at risk, as their situation tends to worsen over time.

Uncleansable Prostheses

Cleaning the prosthesis can become an issue with All On 4 dental implants. Improper contours and design can lead to the accumulation of food debris and plaque within days, eventually converting to tartar. The prostheses can be challenging to clean thoroughly due to their concave shape, preventing effective brushing and flossing.

Speech Impairment

Upper All On 4 implants can pose significant challenges to speech. The prosthesis needs to create an air seal by putting pressure on the inside tissues, which can affect speech clarity. Striking a balance between achieving an air seal and maintaining a cleansable prosthesis is tricky.

Tooth and Denture Breakage

Tooth breakage, particularly in the upper front area, is a common occurrence in the All On 4 technique. Denture base breakage is also not uncommon. These issues can lead to further complications, requiring additional interventions and compromises.

Considering Alternatives

If you are concerned about the potential problems associated with All On 4 dental implants, several alternatives can offer better outcomes. Implant bridges provide a highly desirable alternative to All On 4 implants, as they closely resemble natural teeth in both appearance and function. Implant bridges are easy to clean and maintain and offer a more reliable long-term solution.

Another option is an over denture or a snap-on denture, where implants are used to support a removable denture. This solution allows for better cleaning and also the potential for future upgrades to fixed bridges.

The Importance of Seeking Expert Advice

If you have already undergone All On 4 dental implant treatment and are experiencing issues, it is crucial to consult with a board-certified prosthodontist. They can assess your situation and guide you in finding potential solutions to correct any problems you may be facing.

Try Make You Smile

In conclusion, while All On 4 dental implants may seem like an appealing solution, understanding the potential challenges is crucial. By exploring alternative options and seeking professional advice, you can make an informed decision that ensures a smile you can confidently share with the world.

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All On 4 Dental Implants Problems