Ultimate White Whitening Dental Strips

Image: Dental Whitening

Welcome to our ultimate guide on white whitening dental strips! If you’ve been looking for an effective and safe way to brighten your smile, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we will walk you through step-by-step instructions on how to use dental strips for whitening, as well as provide you with some valuable tips and recommendations. So, let’s get started!

Ultimate White Whitening Dental Strips
Ultimate White Whitening Dental Strips

Getting Started with Whitening

Congratulations on taking the first step towards achieving a dazzling smile! Whitening your teeth is a popular and low-risk treatment option in dentistry that can have a significant positive impact on your confidence. Whether you’ve chosen the regular whitening option or one of our premium packages, we’ve got you covered.

Whitening Trays

Using Regular Whitening Strips

When using our regular whitening system, your dentist will provide you with top and bottom whitening trays. Follow these simple steps to make the most out of your whitening experience:

  1. Inject a small amount of whitening gel onto the middle outer surface of your tooth, as shown on the screen. Be sure to apply the gel on all the visible teeth, usually the ten front teeth.
  2. Avoid placing the gel too low or too high. Placing it too low may not whiten the neck of the tooth, while placing it too high may cause gel leakage or gum irritation.
  3. Choose between daytime and nighttime whitening, as instructed by your dentist. If you opt for daytime whitening, whiten for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. For nighttime whitening, wear the trays while you sleep.
  4. It is recommended to dry your teeth with tissues before inserting the whitening trays for better results.
  5. Follow your daily oral hygiene routine of flossing and brushing before starting the whitening process.
  6. After each whitening session, rinse the trays under cold running water and gently brush them with a soft toothbrush to remove any remaining gel.

Whitening Treatment

Dealing with Sensitivity

It is not uncommon to experience some sensitivity during or after the whitening treatment. To minimize discomfort, use a sensitive toothpaste before and during the treatment. If sensitivity becomes overwhelming, take a one-day break from whitening and apply sensitive toothpaste to the trays overnight. Usually, one or two nights will be enough before you can resume your whitening routine.

Maintaining Your Whitening Results

To maintain the shade of your teeth after the initial whitening treatment, it is essential to follow a white diet. Avoid foods and drinks that are likely to stain your teeth, as well as smoking. The longer you maintain a white diet, the longer your whitening effects will last.

If you have a composite bonding appointment, make sure not to whiten your teeth for 14 days prior to the procedure, as this can increase the risk of bonding failure. Additionally, you may need to top up your whitening periodically to maintain the desired shade. Your dentist will provide further instructions on the frequency and duration of these top-ups.

Discover the Premium Enlighten System

Image: Enlighten Whitening

Our premium Enlighten whitening product offers a unique and advanced whitening experience. With Enlighten, you can continue with your regular lifestyle and eating habits without compromising your whitening treatment. This system guarantees the brightest shade of B1 for every patient and can last a lifetime if the instructions are followed.

Enlighten Custom Tray

Enlighten comes with a specially designed custom whitening tray that ensures optimal results during treatment. If you have recently completed Invisalign and have Vivera removable retainers, these trays can also achieve the same optimal results. Additionally, you’ll receive special toothpaste for before, during, and after the treatment, as well as a desensitizing kit to reduce sensitivity.


Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge and instructions for whitening your teeth using dental strips, it’s time to take action and start your journey towards a brighter smile. Remember to follow the guidance provided by your dentist and maintain good oral hygiene throughout the process. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us.

Thank you for reading, and best of luck with your whitening journey! Take care and keep smiling!

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Ultimate White Whitening Dental Strips