Symptoms Of Ill-fitting Dental Bridge

Are you experiencing discomfort with your dental bridge? It may be a sign that your bridge is ill-fitting. In this article, we will explore the symptoms of an ill-fitting dental bridge and discuss possible solutions.

Symptoms Of Ill-fitting Dental Bridge
Symptoms Of Ill-fitting Dental Bridge

Understanding the Problems

An ill-fitting dental bridge can cause various issues, including gingival problems, swelling, and bleeding. These problems can arise due to factors such as worn-out bridges, improper fabrication, or even allergies to base metals. It is crucial to identify and address these problems to prevent further complications.

Recognizing the Symptoms

One of the most common symptoms of an ill-fitting dental bridge is discomfort. If you notice pain or sensitivity in the area surrounding your bridge, it may be a sign that it is not fitting properly. Additionally, swelling, bleeding, and inflammation of the gums around the bridge can indicate an issue.

Seeking Professional Help

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is essential to consult a dental professional. They can assess the condition of your bridge and provide suitable solutions. A thorough examination, including shade matching, may be necessary to ensure a proper fit.

The Role of Shade Matching

Shade matching plays a crucial role in achieving a natural-looking dental bridge. By using a shade guide, dentists can determine the most appropriate color for your new bridge. This step is essential to ensure that the bridge seamlessly blends with the rest of your teeth.

Treatment Options

The treatment for an ill-fitting dental bridge will depend on the specific problem. In some cases, simple adjustments or modifications can be made to the existing bridge to improve its fit. However, if the bridge is severely damaged or worn out, a replacement may be necessary.

Consider All-Ceramic Crowns

When replacing a dental bridge, one option to consider is all-ceramic crowns. These crowns, such as Bruxer crowns, offer both aesthetic appeal and durability. They can be custom-made to match the shade and appearance of your natural teeth, providing a seamless and natural-looking result.

The Importance of Proper Preparation

To ensure a successful outcome, it is important to prepare the teeth properly before placing the new crowns. This may involve removing any old cement, reducing the size of the tooth if necessary, and creating a sub-gingival margin for optimal fit and aesthetics.

Finalizing the Procedure

After the preparation stage, the temporary crowns are placed to allow the tissue to heal and the gum to recontour. This step is crucial for ensuring healthy gingiva and a proper foundation for the final crowns. Finally, the permanent crowns are cemented using a resin-reinforced glass ionomer, providing strength and durability.


An ill-fitting dental bridge can cause discomfort and lead to further oral health issues. Recognizing the symptoms and seeking professional help is crucial in addressing the problem. By considering all-ceramic crowns and following proper treatment procedures, you can achieve a natural-looking and comfortable dental bridge. Remember, maintaining regular dental check-ups and practicing good oral hygiene are essential for long-term dental health.

For more information on dental solutions and treatments, visit Make You Smile.

Symptoms Of Ill-fitting Dental Bridge