Parts Of A Dental Implant

Are you considering getting dental implants but feeling overwhelmed by the different types and parts involved? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we will break down the various components of dental implants to help you understand the process better. So, let’s dive right in!

Parts Of A Dental Implant
Parts Of A Dental Implant

Types of Dental Implants

Endoosseous Implants

Implants can be broadly classified as Endoosseous, subperiosteal, and transosteal. Endoosseous implants are the most common type, as they are placed within the jawbone. Examples of endoosseous implants include blade implants and root form implants.

Subperiosteal Implants

Subperiosteal implants are used when endoosseous implants cannot be used. They are placed under the periosteum and fixed over the jawbones. This type of implant is typically used in severely resorbed mandibles.

Transosteal Implants

Transosteal implants are also used in severely resorbed mandibles. They are inserted when placing endoosseous implants may lead to mandible fracture. Transosteal implants are primarily used to stabilize loose dentures.

Root Form Implants

Among the various types of implants, root form implants are the most commonly used. They were first invented by Dr. Branemark in 1978 and are designed to mimic the root of a natural tooth. Root form implants consist of two parts: the fixture, which is inserted into the bone, and the abutment, which emerges from the soft tissues to support the prosthesis.

Understanding the Parts

Root form implants have three main parts: the crest module, body, and apex. These parts work together to provide stability and support for the prosthesis. The crest module is the upper part of the implant, while the body is the section inserted into the bone. The apex is the lower part of the implant.

Different Designs

Root form implants come in different designs, including cylinder, screw, or a combination of both. Cylinder implants are pushed or tapped into the bone and rely on a rough surface coating, like hydroxyapatite, for retention. Screw implants, on the other hand, have threads that help retain the implant in the bone.

Implant Connection Types

Implants can also be classified based on their connection design. External hex implants have the connection emerging above the implant platform, while internal hex implants have the connection inside the implant body. These connections play a crucial role in the stability and functionality of the prosthetic components.

Material and Surface Treatments

Most dental implants are made of titanium or titanium alloys due to their biocompatibility and corrosion resistance. Titanium implants form an oxide layer that enhances osseointegration. Zirconium implants are an alternative for patients with titanium allergies and offer high aesthetics.

Surface treatments are performed to increase the implant’s surface roughness, promoting bone implant contact and osseointegration. These treatments include coatings like hydroxyapatite, sandblasting, acid etching, and anodizing.


Dental implants consist of different parts and come in various designs to suit individual needs. Understanding the components and their functions is crucial for making an informed decision about your dental implant treatment. If you’re considering getting dental implants, consult with a qualified professional who can guide you through the process.

For more information on dental implants and other dental procedures, visit Make You Smile. Remember, it’s important to consult a dental professional to determine your specific needs and the best treatment options for you.

Dental Implants

Parts Of A Dental Implant