Implantes Dentales A Bajo Costo

Are you facing the challenge of missing teeth but hesitant to consider traditional implants due to bone loss? Don’t worry! We have a range of solutions that can help you achieve a beautiful smile without the need for bone grafts. In this article, we will explore various options available to you when it comes to placing implants, even with minimal bone support. So, let’s dive in!

Implantes Dentales A Bajo Costo
Implantes Dentales A Bajo Costo

Understanding the Bone Loss

Before we delve into the solutions, it’s important to understand the concept of maxillary or mandibular atrophy, which refers to the loss of bone in the upper or lower jaw. This bone loss can occur in height, width, or both, and it affects our ability to place implants effectively. However, each case is unique, and the amount of bone reabsorption varies from person to person.

Diagnostic Tools: The Key to Success

To determine the best course of action for your specific case, your dentist will use diagnostic tools such as a CT scan. This three-dimensional X-ray provides vital information about the structure of your skull and bone, helping your dentist make informed decisions about implant placement.

Narrow Bone: Where Width Matters

If you have narrow bone, the focus will be on finding an implant with a suitable diameter that can fit between the narrowed bone boards. By opting for a narrow implant, we can achieve better support and stability. In some cases, additional implants may be necessary for optimal support and reliability.

Short Bone: Embracing Shorter Implants

In situations where the bone height is limited, shorter implants can be an effective solution. While shorter implants may offer slightly less support, using multiple shorter implants is often more beneficial than relying on a single conventional implant. More implants distribute the forces more evenly, reducing the risk of complications in the long run.

The Technique of Bone Expansion

In cases where the bone lacks both width and length, a bone expansion technique may be an ideal option. The purpose of bone expansion is to create space between two narrow bone parts without the need for extensive drilling or breaking. By expanding the bone, we can encourage natural bone growth in the expanded area, effectively increasing the width for successful implant placement.

Zygomatic Implants: A Game-Changer

When all other options fail, zygomatic implants come to the rescue. These exceptionally long implants are placed in the upper jaw, specifically in the zygomatic bone. With the support of four zygomatic implants, a complete arch prosthesis can be securely attached. In some cases, additional conventional implants may be placed to provide extra support if required.

The Chin Area: A Viable Alternative

For those with limited bone height in the lower jaw, the chin area often offers a solution. By placing two or three implants in the chin area, an overdenture can be created. Although an overdenture is not a completely fixed prosthesis, it provides substantial stability, allowing you to chew comfortably. Remember, the overdenture can be easily removed for regular cleaning and maintenance.

While these options may seem complex and overwhelming, it’s crucial to consult with your trusted dentist or surgeon to determine the best approach for your specific case. There are numerous possibilities available to you that can help restore your smile and oral functionality without resorting to extensive treatments.

Now that you have a better understanding of the various options, don’t lose hope. Schedule an appointment with your dentist today and explore the possibilities that can make your smile shine again!

Make You Smile