How To Relieve Pain From Dental Implant

Experiencing pain after a dental implant procedure can be a concern for many patients. While there are various pain medications available, it’s essential to consider the potential risks and alternatives. In this article, we will explore a safer approach to relieving pain from dental implants without relying heavily on narcotic medications.

How To Relieve Pain From Dental Implant
How To Relieve Pain From Dental Implant

The Downside of Narcotic Pain Medications

Narcotics, such as Vicodin, Norco, and Percocet, are often prescribed to manage severe pain. However, it’s crucial to understand that these medications fall under Schedule II due to their potential for abuse and addiction. Moreover, they may not effectively alleviate dental pain but rather create a sense of indifference towards it.

A Closer Look at Narcotics and Dental Pain Control

Research shows that a combination of 1000 milligrams of acetaminophen and hydrocodone, the active ingredient in Vicodin, can provide more effective pain relief than Vicodin alone. However, even with the added acetaminophen, some level of discomfort may persist. The advantage of Vicodin lies in its euphoric action, where it makes the individual not care about the pain rather than completely eliminating it. Unfortunately, this euphoria can lead to addiction and the misuse of these medications.

The Dental Connection to Opioid Addiction

It is alarming to note that dental visits, especially for procedures like wisdom tooth extraction, have become a starting point for many individuals in their journey towards narcotic addiction. Innocent seventeen or eighteen-year-olds receive prescriptions for opioids, like Vicodin, Norco, or Percocet, to ensure a comfortable recovery. While these prescriptions may provide temporary relief, they introduce these young individuals to drugs they were previously unfamiliar with. This initial exposure often leads to a dangerous path of addiction, as the cravings for the euphoric effects of opioids take hold.

A Safer Approach for Younger Patients

Considering the concerning rise in narcotic addiction, it is crucial for dental professionals to adopt a more conservative approach when it comes to prescribing pain medications to younger patients. For instance, when performing dental implant or wisdom tooth extraction procedures on individuals in their late teens or early twenties, alternative pain management techniques should be utilized. Informing these patients and their parents about the minor discomfort they may experience post-surgery, without the need for narcotics, can help deter unnecessary exposure to addictive medications.

Treating Pain in Older Individuals

When it comes to older individuals with prior exposure to narcotics, the decision to prescribe these medications requires a more nuanced approach. For instance, in the case of a sixty-year-old patient who has undergone implant surgeries before and requests Percocet, the dentist can make an informed judgment. Since this individual has already had exposure to opioids without developing addiction tendencies, a prescription can be cautiously given. However, it is crucial to use these medications sparingly and monitor the patient’s response closely.

Pain management following dental implant procedures can be achieved without relying heavily on narcotic pain medications. By adopting a safer approach and providing patients with alternative pain relief options, dental professionals can significantly contribute to reducing the risk of narcotic addiction, especially among younger individuals. Let’s prioritize the well-being of our patients by promoting responsible prescription practices and exploring safer solutions. For more information on dental care and well-being, visit Make You Smile.

Dental Implant

How To Relieve Pain From Dental Implant