How Long Do Dental Bridges Last

Do you know that 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth in their mouth, and around 35 million Americans have lost all their teeth in one or both jaws? The relationship between a healthy body and a healthy mouth is real, and missing teeth can significantly impact your overall well-being. When it comes to restoring missing teeth, there are two common options: tooth-supported restorations and implant-supported restorations. But how long can you expect these dental bridges to last?

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last
How Long Do Dental Bridges Last

Understanding the Importance of Dental Bridge Longevity

When it comes to any medical procedure, it’s essential to follow clinical practice guidelines to ensure the best possible outcomes. Just like you would follow the guidelines for replacing a knee or hip, there are guidelines for dental bridge maintenance and aftercare. These guidelines provide a roadmap for dental professionals and patients alike, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

The Key Factors for Dental Bridge Longevity

The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) has developed well-defined guidelines for maintaining and caring for dental bridges. These guidelines were the result of reviewing thousands of articles and gathering input from various dental professionals, including prosthodontists, the American Dental Association (ADA), dental hygienists, and general dentists.

Here are eight crucial tips to help you take care of your restored teeth and maximize the lifespan of your dental bridges:

  1. Regular Dental Examinations: It is recommended to have a professional dental examination at least every six months. These routine check-ups allow dentists to monitor your dental bridges’ condition and address any issues promptly.

  2. Follow Recommended Maintenance Protocols: Your dentist will provide specific at-home maintenance protocols tailored to your situation. Following these protocols diligently will help keep your dental bridges in optimal condition.

  3. Brush with Fluoride Toothpaste: Brush your teeth at least twice a day using a fluoride-containing toothpaste. This practice is essential for both tooth-supported and implant-supported restorations.

  4. Floss Daily: Flossing once a day helps remove plaque and debris from hard-to-reach areas around your dental bridges, promoting oral health and longevity.

  5. Use a Night Guard: If your dentist recommends it, wearing a night guard can protect your dental bridges from grinding or clenching during sleep, ensuring their longevity.

  6. Choose a Dentist-Recommended Mouthwash: Using a mouthwash recommended by your dentist, specifically designed for your situation, can further promote oral health and support the longevity of dental bridges.

  7. Avoid Smoking and Chewing Tobacco: Smoking and chewing tobacco not only pose significant risks to your overall health but can also compromise the durability and lifespan of your dental bridges.

  8. Minimize Sugar Consumption: Consuming excessive amounts of sugary foods can be detrimental to both your dental and overall health. Opt for healthier food choices to support the longevity of your dental bridges.

People who follow proper maintenance programs and adhere to these guidelines tend to have better outcomes. In fact, those who neglect regular maintenance have a 90 percent higher chance of implant failure over a 15-year period.

The Role of Clinical Practice Guidelines

Clinical practice guidelines serve as a checklist for dental professionals, ensuring a standardized approach to patient care. By following these guidelines, dentists can provide predictable results and confidently communicate the best practices to their patients. Moreover, these guidelines assist in training future dental professionals, such as dental students and hygienists, by sensitizing them to the needs of patients.

Make Your Dental Bridges Last

When it comes to your dental bridges, you’ve made a significant investment in your oral health and quality of life. The clinical practice guidelines developed by the ACP offer a benchmark for dental professionals and researchers alike. They can use these guidelines to standardize care and further improve dental bridge longevity as new scientific evidence emerges.

So, if you want to enjoy all the little things in life, like biting into a crisp apple or chomping on an ear of corn, make sure to take care of your dental bridges. Follow the guidelines, maintain regular dental examinations, and stay in an active partnership with your healthcare provider. Together, you can make your dental bridges last and ensure a confident smile for years to come.

To learn more about dental health and explore other ways to enhance your smile, visit Make You Smile, where we’re dedicated to making you smile with confidence.

Dental Bridge

How Long Do Dental Bridges Last