Dental Implant Process Step By Step

Are you considering dental implants but unsure about the process? Look no further! In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step journey of getting dental implants, making it easier for you to understand and feel confident about your decision.

Dental Implant Process Step By Step
Dental Implant Process Step By Step

Evaluating the Patient’s Oral Health

Before diving into the implant placement, it is crucial to evaluate the patient’s oral health. During the initial visit, the dentist assesses the periodontal status, checks for any signs of decay, and diagnoses the condition. It is essential that the patient has good periodontal health before moving forward with implant dentistry.

Additionally, radiographs and cone beam CT scans are performed to determine the amount of bone available for implant placement. This crucial step ensures that the implant will be positioned correctly and securely.

Creating Access to the Bone

Once the diagnosis is complete, the patient returns for the implant procedure. Local anesthesia is administered to ensure comfort throughout the process. The next step involves creating a full thickness flap reflection, allowing the dentist to access the bone.

During this step, any residual soft tissue is removed to ensure clear visibility of the bone. The cortical plate of the bone is carefully accessed through the flap reflection. This ensures that the implant can be placed accurately.

Establishing the Osteotomy

After creating access to the bone, the dentist begins the osteotomy, which is the process of creating a space for the implant. Starting with a start drill, the dentist follows up with additional drills to deepen and widen the osteotomy. This step is crucial for the successful placement of the implant.

To ensure the right direction, a parallel pen is used to check the angulation. It may sometimes require taking a radiograph to confirm that the implant is away from vital structures and properly aligned.

Shaping the Osteotomy

Moving forward, the shaping drills come into play. These drills are designed to match the shape of the implant, eliminating the need to worry about depth. By placing the drill at the desired location, the depth can be predicted based on the shape of the drill. Checking with a parallel pin at this stage ensures correct angulation.

It is important to gradually move up in drill sizes to correct any off-angled issues. By gradually increasing the width and length of the drill, it is easier to maintain control and make any necessary adjustments.

Placing the Implant

Once the final shaping drill is used, it’s time to place the implant. The implant can be placed using a torque wrench or a surgical handpiece. However, it is important to operate at a lower RPM (25 to 30) compared to the drilling process for better control during implant placement.

After the implant is securely in place, a cover screw or healing abutment can be placed. The healing abutment is preferred in most cases as it allows the tissue to heal around it. Suturing the area completes the procedure, and the patient enters a period of osseointegration.

Finalizing the Process

Once the osseointegration period is complete, the patient returns for the final impression. The healing abutment is removed, and the impression coping is placed to capture the final shape of the implant. It is a straightforward process that ensures a precise fit of the prosthetic tooth or crown.

Two interrupted sutures are placed to approximate the tissue. In this case, chromic sutures were used, resulting in a well-approximated tissue.


Embarking on the journey of getting dental implants might seem overwhelming at first, but understanding the step-by-step process can ease your worries. By evaluating your oral health, creating access to the bone, establishing the osteotomy, shaping it, and finally placing the implant, you can confidently get closer to your dream smile.

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Dental Implant Process Step By Step