Delta Dental Out Of Network

Delta Dental Out Of Network

Hey there! Dr. Vain here, and I’ve got some important news to share with you regarding our relationship with Delta Dental. As we continue to navigate through these challenging times, we’ve made the decision to go out of network with Delta dental by the end of 2020. Don’t worry, though! We’re here to guide you through this transition and ensure that your dental care remains seamless.

Delta Dental Out Of Network
Delta Dental Out Of Network

What Does Going Out of Network Mean for You?

Let’s break it down. Going out of network with Delta Dental doesn’t mean that we won’t accept your insurance anymore. We will still bill everything and understand the coverage Delta provides. However, the process may be a bit different compared to other insurances.

With Delta Dental, they prefer to make the billing process a little less seamless. Unlike other insurances, where everything stays the same for both the patient and us as the provider, Delta prefers to send the reimbursement check to the patient. This means that we may need to collect a larger portion upfront from you.

Inconvenience with a Silver Lining

Now, here’s the good news. Delta Dental will reimburse you as the patient within seven to 14 days. As the provider, we may have to wait up to 45 days and submit several appeals to receive our payment. It may sound like a hassle, but Delta has always prioritized their relationship with patients. Unlike providers, they are more willing to work directly with you to rectify any mistakes or issues that may arise.

Let me share a recent case with you. We had a patient who was supposed to receive a significant covered benefit. We submitted the claim twice and received denials both times. But when the patient contacted Delta directly, they immediately acknowledged their mistake, apologized, and initiated the payment and reimbursement process for both the patient and us. They value their relationship with patients, which is one of the reasons we decided to go out of network.

A Shift for a Better Partnership

Delta Dental’s recent decision to lower their fees and reduce coverage for items that have been covered for the past 20 years has left us with no choice but to reconsider our partnership. The increase in our overhead costs, especially in essential supplies like gloves and personal protective equipment (PPE), has made it financially challenging for us to continue providing top-notch dental care while being adequately reimbursed.

Our goal has always been to offer conservative and exceptional care to our patients. We believe that aligning with an insurance company that shares our dedication to patient well-being is crucial. We want our partnership to be based on a genuine commitment to delivering quality care and ensuring your dental needs are met.

What to Expect Going Forward

If you’re currently in-network with Delta Dental, rest assured that your treatments will still be covered. The primary difference you’ll notice is that you may need to pay a little more upfront initially. However, we’ve taken steps to ensure that there are no surprises during your visits. We’ll work with you in advance to prepare everything, so you have a clear understanding of the costs involved.

Transitioning out of network with other insurances has been a smooth and straightforward process in the past. We anticipate the same with Delta Dental. Our team is here to support you and answer any questions or concerns you may have about this change and how it will impact your dental care.

We Value Your Trust and Support

I’d like to take a moment to express my gratitude for having you as part of our dental family. Your trust and support mean the world to us. We are committed to providing you with the best possible care and ensuring that your dental health remains our top priority.

If you have any questions or need further clarification about this transition, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our office. We are always here to help. Thank you for being a valued member of our dental community!

Make You Smile

Delta Dental Out Of Network